
We are based at Ladbrooks School.
Our school is a full primary in a rural area just outside Christchurch.
We are an enthusiastic learning community of Year 3-5 children and two teachers, Ali and Jo.
We love to learn and enjoy having fun.
Thanks for following us on our learning adventures...

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Reading ideas - "Great Reads"
General photos - "Sport" or "Toroa"

Thursday, 26 February 2015

New Autex goes up in the TLC

We were super excited today to have the kind gentleman come and install the Autex wall.  This means we'll be able to put things up on the wall without them falling off!

Calendars go home this week

Our calendars are finally ready.  The children created a marble page with oil paint in water. Then using a potato, they printed a picture with birds.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015


I fl hpy when i swm wt m fs.

I feel happy when I swim with my friends.

thbhhvI feel h   y  





I feel happy wn I pl w Blk ad we pl sk .  
I feel happy when I play with
Blake and we play soccer.

The Star Wars quilt

 I went into the dark toilet to see the glow fabric.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Good link for reading at home ideas
Kern played gutter boll with Sam.
i went to quil iland lt year. 

I went to Quail Island last year.

i went to qul ilanb  


i went sno' in the on.

I went snorkling in the ocean.

Monday, 23 February 2015

the pinik

On monday we had the tedy beya pinik in TLC i brort santa bear. He had a santa hat and a santa skarf. He gobid my food up i had to get sum mor because he eat it. 
yesterday  I was  coming back from  wonaka   mum  and  dad  did  the  triaphalon 

Billy the Cat

Billy ws rning otsid on the grass.  He ws being chasd bi the dog.

Billy was running outside on the grass. He was being chased by the dog.

Inflatable world

I  went     to  in  flab world. in the weeknd with Logan and dad to box for fun.
Today in TLC we  had a Teddy bears I brot my Teddy bear Sedey. Mum made Some food to Shere for Evryone we had a montrouus piknic I had Some crackers a biscit and other stuff we put our Teddy bears on the parshoot .

the teddy bear 's picnic

yesterday was the teddy bear's  picnic at Ladbrooks school it was a monstrous picnic it was exciting. it was so much fun because you get to eat what ever you want.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

iPad Exploration In Toroa

iPad Stuff

Easy Blog Photo
Here, learners are exploring claymation and are using a new app called stop motion. It's great fun!



Hanuma springs

I'm going to  hamna springs  after Christmas with a caravan with nana , grandad  for 5 nights with my tablit . I don't wont josh coming !!!
The day befor yesterday me Oscar Shas Julea mum and dad whent to the AMP show. It was very very fun. We got to eat an bag of candy flos but... I eat an holl bag of candy flos in one day.

In the pit at maths time

Today we were working out place value and it was tricky.  We call this " being in the pit".  Rather than telling the children, the children worked it out.  I was SO proud.  Now they are too good and it's difficult to find numbers that they can't find the place value of.  Well done team. Ali

Teddies Picnic

today tdea came to school for the ted bers picnic.

Today teddy came to school for the teddy bears picnic.

Teddy comes to school

today we had a tde ber picnic inside toroa.  it ws fun.

Today we had a teddy bears picnic inside Toroa.  It was fun. 

My Teddies visit to school

today i brt my tede Samantha to skol for a tede bears pknk. 

Today I brought my teddy Samantha to school for a teddy bears picnic.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

To the Beach

I    went  to the becasa  we   went bak and  forwards.

I went to the beach on the bus. We went back and forwards.

The Beach

we went on a bus  to the bech  collecting sea shells.

i went to the bech

we went into a loly bus it was scrumptious. and when we got to the bech we went home

To the Beach

I went to .The bech it was Monstrus. I   had 2 swims i went dep       it wasup to my neke Lila was so dep Like me but  we                        wer not dep  i likd my lunch i fownd acrab i got a crab fron on me the crab wontid  to  bit me i was sced   i had los of   fun.         

I went to the beach. It was monstrous. I had two swims. I went deep. It was up to my neck. Lila was so deep like me but we were not deep. I liked my lunch. I found a crab. I got a crab on me. The crab wanted to bite me. I was scared. I had lots of fun.

The beach


We went to the beach.

The cat

a c went to the pc t pu .

The cat went to the park and up

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Toroa's Video on Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Toroa's Video on Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Toroa's Video on Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Toroa's Video on Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Toroa's Video on Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Toroa's Video on Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Toroa's Video on Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Toroa's Video on Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Toroa's Video on Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Monday, 16 February 2015

In the  Malbrugh sounds  my cousins were delighted to go  fishing.

The Animals

at hom i hve 4 cs and tha r ld.  son we r going to gat sm shp.

At home I have four cows and they are there loud.  Soon we are going to get some sheep.

the cut

At school at fiitness  when we where going to clis I fell over and monstrous graze and I was brave and Sundra helped me.
   I.   Am going.     to.    Temping.  Bowling for my birthday.    Ruby. And     Tam.and      Jake.and Freddie and Jack.   are coming to

Moving House

I      movd hos wf    mam  and dad and  logn  to  hay rod in the hdays.

I moved house with Mum and Dad and Logan too Hayes Road in the holidays.

Going to the beach on wednesday

Tomorrow on Wednesday i'm going to a beach i'm delightid to go to the beach it's going to be fun!
I do maths with Keryn in Sooty.

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Lachlan and Daniels day

In reading lachlans group began a book about a shady deal.  During maths they learnt about o'clock and half past.  They learnt about extrapolation and how to add interesting words into their work.  The catch phrase will be "Can you extrapolate that?"

Daniel learnt about half past on a clock.  In reading they read about Cape buffalo and found out about how dangerous they are.  In writing Dan wrote about the beach.

The yodas' made cool leaf boats today at reading time and floated them in the pool.

Oh no

This morning jambalaua was very anoying.


i went to Fiji in the school holidays.


In the weekend we had a bbq. Annika, Tamera and Cameron came to our house. Cameron brought his motorbike. We played a monstrous game of cricket then we rode on the motorbike, then we had dinner and then we had chochlit icrim for derit.

Millie's Birthday Party

In the weekend I went to a party it was Milly's party. We went to a horse riding club.  I was eagerly waiting to ride a pony.  I rode a horse all by myself.  The horse that I was riding was called Cory. We walked to the place where we were going to play games.  We had cold strawberry and blueberry yoghurt with teeth lollies in the yoghurt. I saw Nick and his friends.

The Monstrous Plane

In  the weekend   I  went on  a monstrous plane to Auckland and .  

the beach

I went to a monstrous beach on the boat in Tapaka Point with my mum and dad in the holidays.  I went snorkling in the  lagoon I saw lots of fish then went on a walking track then I went home.                                

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Wednesday 11 February

Today I went swimming. I showed Amy that I could swim a length. During writing we practised our writing. During reader I played word nut. Today I thought it was scary when Toia the puppet came right up to my face when we were learning about quality learning. - Sam A

At reading time I did a cut up story. I did some reading with Keryn. Today in the pool I practised my kicking. I liked seeing the puppets and thought Kyle was really naughty. - Caitlin

Marlborough Sounds Trip

  the  Wekns I wet to the Marlborough  sounds I  want thir  wif mi family  and  I fixt the modu.

In the weekend I went to the Malborough sounds. I went with my family and I fixed the motor.

playing with my cousins

In the School holidays I went to Nana and Poppa's. I Pled with my cousins.

snpa fishing

In  the school holidays i Dad Finn and  Declan went sapa  fishing in the sey no skos bot . Finn was the ferst to cach a  sapa . i was sweltering  tring  to kach a snpa. yes i have a big snap. we kort tow snpa my was the bigs snpa .
in the holidays i went  to   the  bech   with  mum  and  dad  and sister when we  got theie  all  off  my  cusns  were coming  then  thae  were  all  here  when  thae  were  all  here  i  went  out  to  the  big  wavs  and  i  slipd  and  i  faie  into  the  wavs  when i  got  up  i  fait  sik  and  i  cride  and  i  went  to  mum  and  when  after  a  wyill  i  fallt  beter  so  i went  back  into  the  wuter                                                                                                                                                            

My Basketball Net

My  DAd  Pt   up  My  BS C  BC All Mbm. for Billy and  Harry.   And. I got for crismis .

My dad put up my basketball net for Billy and Harry. And I got it for Christmas!

Auckland and Hanmer trip.

In   The.  Wekn  I   Wet.  To.  Hama.  And.  Oklen. With my family.   And  a.  Base.  Palow.   And.    A.   Oral.      And. I.     Wet seaming. 

In the weekend I went to Hanmer and Auckland with my family. I went on the bouncy pillow an and I went on the swimming slide.


Hanmer springs Fun

 i went to hamny springs in the hoiday with my famliy. at hammn springs i went the hot pools i went on the slid it was fun.

Monday, 9 February 2015

Annika and Chester's day

Annika: We went swimming. We learned about the Waitangi Treaty and how the argument started. The pakeha and Maori were fighting over land. I did and spelling test and I did well. I played 'Busted' at beak time. I listened to a story called Dr. Dog about the Gumboyle family.

Chester: We did potato prints onto our marvelled paper for our calendar art. We had Tuesday Newsday. For fitness we had a game of 'Riding on my little white pony' with Ali. We wrote stories. I went into the new shelter at break time. 

The children also had Kapa Haka today which was with new tutors - Whaea Tania and Matua Willy. 

It was a great day!

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Elizabeth and Joe's day

Semi colon ninjas did some spelling testing and an obstical course.  Fuzzy wussy full stops wrote stories in their books.  After break we went for a swim .  It was cold for some but not for others. We had a go at proofreading and reading rotations.  We saw a video about the Treaty of Waitangi. A busy day and we are looking forward to tomorrow. Don't forget to bring togs everyday, diaries will be coming home soon.

Fun in the pool

No it's not too cold for a swim!

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