
We are based at Ladbrooks School.
Our school is a full primary in a rural area just outside Christchurch.
We are an enthusiastic learning community of Year 3-5 children and two teachers, Ali and Jo.
We love to learn and enjoy having fun.
Thanks for following us on our learning adventures...

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Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Today at TLC

Today at TLC we did programming with Tracy. We learnt about myths. We did a basic facts test to see how much more we knew.

Today at TLC

The At  reading time we read a book called Jolly Rodger and the treasure. There were two pirates, a little pirate and a big private. I am going to gym today.

blakejoe poppyjasper

In the same group

Me and george rankin are in the same swimming groop and we are in the same sckeing groop and wen go to the same school and we are in the same rugbee groop and we have plaes at ech athers houses.

Me and George Rankin are in the same swimming group and we are in the same skiing group and we go to the same school and we are in the same rugby group and we have plays at each others houses.

Our creation

Monday, 27 July 2015

Subtraction using equipment - Symmetricals group

Fergus's day at school

At break time I had a lot of fun playing soccer.

At maths time I am learning my times tables.

During writing today we played a game outside and we did some arguments.

By Fergus

Daniel's Day at Schoo

Today at school I heaps of fun playing soccer at break.

At reading time I read a myth and at maths time I learned some new strategies for adding big numbers.

I played the recorder with Keryn, we are learning a song called Bouncy.

By Daniel A

Maths seal farm


I am thankfl for my frit toy becs i uned by

I am thankful for my favorite toy because I earned by getting all my stickers. 

I like caterpillar

I like the insect caterpilar. I like it becose  it is green and I like it coz it has lots ov legs.

Going to Fiji

I am going to Fiji in eight days. It is going to be fun. I am going on the woter slide.

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Jaspers day

Today I wrote about my holiday house in Wanaka.  I went there in the weekend, I went on a dinosaur slide.  I read a book with Keryn but I can't remember what it's called.  In maths, we were counting back from 20 .  Today I had my first go with the ukulele and I learnt to strum and the c chord.

Cameron's day

Today At writing I wrote about the Easter Bunny, he delivers eggs.

During maths times I have been learning to count on bigger numbers.

I played the ukelele with Ali, we are learning lots of new songs.

By Cameron 

My picture

This is Tarsha and my Mummy.

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Invisible spider

The invisible spider is a mythological hero who is Brave,strong and it's on the good side. The legs are powerful because he saves people by putting water on a fire. He is invisible.he brethes fire. He loves his job.


Chicky is a mythological creature he is a chicken that is also part girl and part horse. She is very thuoughtful.Her greatest strength comes from her arms so she can lift heavy objects. When she brushes her hair it turns to fire to kill the evil. She likes being a hero because she can travel the globe it is very fun.

ice cream

 every  simig dayimak made ice cream. my  friend help me.

Every single day I make muddy ice cream.  My friends help me.


RdSnakers has the speed off a snake and the strength of Hulk. It's got a human head so it can talk to people. Snakers has 2 Thor hammers so when a building is falling Snakers uses them as standers and has the brain of a elephant because it never forgets anything. It's always on the look out for people to save.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Today at TLC

We learnt how to programme like computers. In reading we read more about medusa. We learnt how some tricky times tables in maths. 
By Lachlan 

My day

Today my book was called Bingos birthday. Sam gave Bingo his present and he tried to eat it. For maths we had to figure out how many fingers weren't showing to make it up to 10. We are learning a song about a bandit who stole money in recorder. Today after school I am starting gym. 
By poppy

Tyson's Waterfall

Tyson and Emma found a special tree at the front of the school. It is a waterfall tree. First, you pour water into a hole in the tree. When the hole is full of water it spills out the other side and falls down the trunk like a waterfall. 


I am oging to` mibin on   Friday  morning and ti wil  tayc    three    hours and   fourtee  fiive  mis and   i am  going to the     scins mooosm  and thvees tipe off   stuf  you can do, dinosaws,  litning and lots mor.

I am going to Melbourne on Friday morning and it will take three hours and fourty five minutes and I am going to the science museum and these types of stuff you can do; dinosaurs, lightening and lots more.      

We sneaked up.

In   the   wecen    i     snectup   on       my    sister   grane          sed     we could          with   georgera. she  woz   notlimping becozherlegwozfeling beta.

In the weekend I sneaked up on my sister. Granny said we could with Georgia. She was not limping because her leg was feeling better.

Teddy smells food.

Teddy goes undu  the tabil when we hav aw dina. and wen i go to  bed teddy folos me because he smals food.

Teddy goes under the table when we have our dinner. And when I go to bed, Teddy follows me because he smells food.


lm going to has  my fost day os jem afder school   to dag and  molly wewl be ufd me sow mum busn hat to go but  mum wel go wen molly is dooing her jem.

I'm going to my first day of gym after school today and Molly will be after me so mum doesn't have to go but mum will go when Molly is doing her gym.

Monday, 20 July 2015

The day Poppy had

Today I read a story about Ben's Dad coming home. At Maths we were the first group to play with the new toys that Keryn had bought. They were sea toys and jungle toys. We played games with them. Today I wrote about my holidays. On holiday we built a snowman. 
By Poppy

Today at TLC

Today we were learning about medusa and how she transformed into half a woman and half a snake. It was a story from Ancient Greek. We learnt new songs during ukulele. In maths we learnt how to make harder questions easier with fives. 
By Lachlan 

I Went Swimming

We went swoming at bafses. It was fan i cod swom. I  lict it i cod get a ring I can sta ianda The wita for a loing tim.

The Cat

c   xcccccccc   c  xcfgggggtrfrrrrrfffdfj ikkkk;,;/`;/;`;mn;grhyktjgvufhvdvccvbcdhgdffgfhgdsggddffdtdstfdgffgghjhghgvcgggggggcvvvvvvvvvvvgc  gfggfgfggvcgfgcgfgvgv vgvbgvbg         ffvgvfgtt  vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv gvggghghghbhyhyyuyyhhgvyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyfgffffffffffffffttttttttttttttgtgggggggggggttdrffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffgttytytytyyyytfgfggrtgrtgrtfgfggrgrtrtftfrtttyfhhhhhhhhhfxcccdgfvfrfcdfrfsssszzzzzxΩzzvggggttffffxffdddfccccccccccccccc cccwssddededeeeeeeedx jk jbhhgvvvgffffffgfgtyuioooppppppppppyhgg jjjbvbv vvv cvvvvvcc cccccccccccccccccccccccccxzxffcv          cx fdrrfrxzfgg cfgghghg

The cat is eating the mouse in the forest.

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Today at TLC

Today we did ukulele. We learnt chords C and F. We also learnt the parts of the ukulele. 
At maths we learnt how to solve problems like 5 x 32. 
Ali's writing groups are going to learn about Greek Myths. 
By Lachlan 

Poppy's day

I had a great day, I learnt the recorder today and I learnt how to do B.  I read Baby Bear went fishing.  In maths I did some counting but I can't remember exactly.  Before we did that we played a game called 123 and it was counting forwards no counting backwards. At lunch time I played four square and I got into the king square but then the bell rang so I couldn't do it anymore.
By poppy


In the weekend i fort of jring a pchi an Samuel. terned on playstshin. Samuel played a gam on playstshin and then i stutid playing on playstshin.


we went to the pools in the hlds.

We went to the pools in the holidays.

Sleep over at Nannys

lt wk i hd a slp orr w n. we wt to the mall.

Last week, I had a sleep over with Nanny. We went to the mall.

folen of the biktrak

I fod off the bik trak  then i went to the big kids playgrld  me and bab and cirliy winii it woz finishet wi wit bak to  the zani wiy wit  hom.

I fell off on the bike track. Then I went to the big kids playground. Me and Dad and Charlie when it was fiunished we went back to the van and went home.

Friday, 17 July 2015


may the fourth

The Sun



Working together - so cute!

George and Josh



Goal by Michael Murpurgo

Samuel recommends this great book, ask him about it.

Fantastic foxes

Wearing a fox

