
We are based at Ladbrooks School.
Our school is a full primary in a rural area just outside Christchurch.
We are an enthusiastic learning community of Year 3-5 children and two teachers, Ali and Jo.
We love to learn and enjoy having fun.
Thanks for following us on our learning adventures...

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Monday, 30 November 2015


   I liked camp because I coud go on the rope sing and play miny golf and go on the trap
and go orentairng I coud  go in shade area for Luch.

chistmassy time

I am going to my sisters house at Christmas and open up the presents and play with them. and go out for dina and have chips.

hopping in the pool

daer vitorea thak you for hopping in the pool with me and thak you for woching me doing miney goff. and for woching me on the trap alenn. 


Dear Jenny thank you for helping me do orienteering my favourite thing was swimming in the pool because I jumped in the pool and the water went splash. And we could do flips thank you for coming to camp😀☺️.

From Tamera.


tractor  ride  the  tractor  ride was  vereare  Fan   i    also  i liked  Feding the  deer. When I went to feed the deer I fed it with pellets.                                               

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Camp 2015

Living springs


i had a pladat with frede.

I had a playdate with Freddie.


steLa  bit  me.      

Stella bit me.

My Dog is Two

My dog  is 2  said my dog. 

Magic Spell

i   wont   a    wond      to  an     sbow  me   and   ansbow     levi  in  to       a mumandi  wont  to   be a      tishoo.

I want a wand to in spell me and spell Levi into a Mum and I want to be a tissue.


i SAw a            RainBOW.


I liked cap because it was fun and we jumd in the pool that was fun too and i reariy liked juping on the chrap a len too because we cood doo crt waers on it.

chrap a len = trampoline
crt waers = cart wheels

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Ginger Beer

We made ginger beer and it was awesome - there were massive explosions of co2 when we opened the bottles.

Toroa Blog's Video on Sunday, 29 November 2015

Toroa Blog's Video on Sunday, 29 November 2015

Toroa Blog's Video on Sunday, 29 November 2015

Toroa Blog's Video on Sunday, 29 November 2015

toroa blog's Video on Saturday, 28 November 2015

toroa blog's Video on Saturday, 28 November 2015

toroa blog's Video on Saturday, 28 November 2015

toroa blog's Video on Saturday, 28 November 2015

toroa blog's Video on Saturday, 28 November 2015

toroa blog's Video on Saturday, 28 November 2015

toroa blog's Video on Saturday, 28 November 2015

toroa blog's Video on Saturday, 28 November 2015

toroa blog's Video on Saturday, 28 November 2015

toroa blog's Video on Saturday, 28 November 2015


My bear

Bailey is a very nice bear he is a white bear when I was 4 years old I went on a trip to
Bisly it's a great place I visited my cousin Lucy for 3nights I think and Lucy said that he
could come back home with me but my suitcase was to full so I had to leave him their
then when I was7 when I went back I found him on the bed then mum told me the story
And then Lucy said I could take him back home with me so I did we've been on many adventures
I love you from the bottom of my beloved heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! !

Born in 2011 I got him when I was 4
When I went on a trip to Bisaly
I got to take you home but I couldn't

In the mean time I went to

I was so unhappy about that
Then when I was 7 I went back
Again and I finally got to take you home
I love you from the bottom of my beloved heart

By Elizabeth


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