
We are based at Ladbrooks School.
Our school is a full primary in a rural area just outside Christchurch.
We are an enthusiastic learning community of Year 3-5 children and two teachers, Ali and Jo.
We love to learn and enjoy having fun.
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Wednesday, 27 July 2016


.L1UM      JAIDE                             WSI

We go outside to catch the leaf fish.
on a verey lit lef ia a wit eeg on the frest day the eeg  oopind it was a little katupilu  it was a very hugre katupilu  on the fred day he att 2 pess on the foff day he att free plumss then on the fit day he att fiv sagoobbe on the nexst day he trend in to a crissuls then he trend into a beootfill butufli. 

buney and dog

phebes stoopid dog killed  my buneys  i was so disuppoytid and sad


iwen        to     the    bie ch  and  i qadcthebech.  

I went to the beach and I played at the beach.


what  do    you kooll a dia with no is? no idea.

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

 on a  spooke nit it was a spook in the  hos.
the scere tre is on the tv.
i wos klime the tre.                                                              


i was skoting at hom. dooing japs. i did kook mass malos on the bess.
on    A   sp,ookee     nit        it     was   a    spook   monsta   ,.
I went to the  treyhwos   and i sor a bed and i sor a tabl.
inthe wekd i went to the  bfg move it was fan and it was sere.

Sofia wrote some letters



Monday, 25 July 2016

Toroa Times: thredbo village

Toroa Times: thredbo village:   I  went to thredbo  village  it is a fun place I went there because  my dad thinks that Im  Not  good at skiing because It is a  sport that i...

thredbo village

 I  went thredbo  village  it is a fun place I went there because  my dad thinks that Im  Not  good at skiing because It is a  sport that i like. i love ski ing and it is a good exssissz.

Going to Walton.

At Walton I Woch a  move and we went to the playground and it was fun and we went to the beech.



Soon i'm going to akland. And my mum and dad brort me a lego set.It's ninjago lego.

Soon I'm going to Auckland. And my mum and dad brought me a lego set. It's Ninjago lego.


the holidas

in the Holidas i went to wonka.

the optmicc

the        otrmch gav me gss.

Lewis recommends

Lots of letters and words

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These are my words

Sunday, 24 July 2016


In the holldays I went  on a CANDY RED DUBALLS   

 shineae candy red door choclt brown seet 

In the holidays I went on a candy red double decker bus.

Poem about the bus:-

Shiny candy red door, chocolate brown seat.

The Squirrel by Alex

up  the  tree  went  the  sqrerall  shivring  with  fair    sadn  liting  strak  from  the  ski  the  sqrerall  ran  down  the  tree    

Up the tree went the squirrel shivering with fear. Suddenly lightning struck from the sky. The squirrel ran down the tree.

i lav mam

i lav  mam  and   dad   and lucy   and max    and   thomas.   

Tuesday, 19 July 2016


The Marvelous Mamo

The Mamo is a bird that is part of the finch family and is also called a Hoohoo.

They came in lots of colours but were mainly black or brown.  It had a long curved beak for sucking nectar from plants.  They were approximately 20cm long.  The English name for them was the Black Mamo. They were known as a song bird.

They were endemic to Hawaii.

It became extinct in 1898 because of the Hawaiians using their feathers for decorations.  Their mountain habitat was also reduced by humans.

In conclusion, I think it is mean to kill birds for their feathers; birds need feathers more than we do.


The Glyptodon

The Glyptodon is an extinct animal that is apart of the anmiodillo family (calmyphoride).

Light brown shell with a dark brown body, the Glyptodon was about 2.5-3.3 metres long.  It was a huge creature.  It weighed approximately 500kgs.

They were normally found in South America and Brazil on grassy plains.

They were herbivorous; eating lots of different types of plants including flax and other tough plants.

They died out approximately 16,000 years ago.  Hunters used them for their shell and for food.  In addition it is believed that an ice age contributed to their demise.

In conclusion they should still be alive.

Bali Tiger

The Bali Tiger

The Bali Tiger is an extinct animal that is part of the feline family.

Deep dark orange coat with a few black stripes, the Bali Tiger looked stunning.  At 100kg and 230 cm the tiger was considerably smaller than other tigers.

They ate mammals including boar, deer, monkeys, lizards and birds.

The last Bali tiger died in 1937.  Men wanted to make mats our of tiger fur.  On the Western side of the Island they created a reserve but it was too late.

In conclusion, I think it’s sad because they are nice creatures.

Passenger Pigeon

The Perfect Passenger Pigeon

The passenger pigeon is an extinct bird that is part of the wild pigeon family. The technical name for the passenger pigeon is the wild pigeon.

The passenger pigeon was mostly grey with a bit of black, orange and pink.  There were black spots on their wings.  They had very sharp pointy claws.  It was 41cm long.  They did not have any ears at all.

The passenger pigeon was endemic to North America.  They lived in very very large groups called lofts.  They preferred forests where large numbers of birds could roost together.

What they ate depended on the season.  In winter they ate beechnuts, acorns, chestnuts, seeds, berries that they found in the forests.

They were hunted for food by the native Americans and Europeans.  The passenger pigeon was around in the 1800’s; the last one died in 1914. 

In conclusion, I think that they were so gorgeous and that it was so so mean that they killed them because they probably wanted their feathers and birds need their feathers.

Bali Tiger

The Beautiful Bali Tiger

The Bali Tiger is an extinct animal that is part of the feline family.

Deep, dark orange coat with a few black stripes; the Bali tiger was stunning.  At 100kg and 230cm the Bali tiger was considerably smaller than any other tiger.  They were the first tiger species in the world to become extinct.

They rested in shallow water holes and they slept in dens that were well hidden.

Their food consisted of monkeys, lizards, birds, boar and deer.

They became extinct because they were killed by people.  People wanted to make mats out of their gorgeous fur.

In conclusion, it is sad because they have been killed.

Gian Beaver

The Giant Beaver

The gigantic beaver is an extinct beaver that is part of the casteroid family.

Deep brown in colour the thick shaggy fur was soft.  It’s brain was tiny though.

It’s life was in North America and Canada.

They ate sticks, twigs and plants.

They became extinct because of the ice age; they died 10,000 years ago.

In conclusion I think the giant beaver is cute and it’s a shame they died out.

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Sicilian Dwarf Elephant

The Sicilian Dwarf Elephant

The Sicilian Dwarf Elephant is an extinct elephant that is part of the proboscidea family.

They were grey with a little bit of brown on them.  Their skin was rough and their size was around 1.5 to 2.3 metres.  They looked similar to other elephants however they were smaller.  Their tail was the same colour as their body.  They had brown over the outside of their ears and the inside was pink.

Remains have been found in Sicily, Italy and the Mediterranean Islands.

They were well known as herbivores because they ate leaves

The Sicilian Dwarf Elephant became extinct around 10,000 years ago.  It is suspected it was because of loss of habitat and over hunting.

We love the Sicilian Dwarf Elephants so we think they should be alive.

By Charlotte and Ruby

Pennslyvania Bison

The Pennsylvania Bison

The Pennslyvania bison is an extinct animal that was part of the bovine family.It was native to Central America.

The bison was dark hazel coloured with a wooly brown face.  They were approximately 3 metres high and we're extremely musclular and  wooly.  They had a Fat belly, Bagey face and huge horns to defend itself.

The bison lived for about 30-40 years and have been around for millions of years.  They died out in the 1800s due to over hunting and loss of habitat.

They ate grass and were strictly herbivorous.

They lived on the grasslands in central and North America and Canada.

In conclusion l think it is said because if they did not kill them they might be alive now.


Great Auk

By Fraser Walls.

The Great  Auk belonged to the penguin family and lived up to the early C19. It looked like a black and white penguin except for it’s hunormous beak.It was as tall as an Emperor Penguin, about 3feet tall.The Auk’s small wings stopped it from flying and also it walked clumsily

It lived around the Scottish Islands, New Foundland and the waters of the Arctic Ocean.
It ate mainly small fish and it was an agile swimmer. It floated on the water to rest and look for fish. The nesting islands were crowded by heaps of other Auk’s.

Most of the the Auk’s died out because fisherman clubbed and killed them for the delicious meat and stuffed their pillows and beds with the feathers.

I think that it is sad that the Great Auk was made extinct because of humans and that we should do better in the future to save the species.

European Lion

The European lion

The European lion is an a extinct lion  it is in feline family.

They have a  Light gray and Snow White coat and  brown spots
It has a 2m mane and it is 1.2 meters high  they    weigh 200  kilograms  they  were  extinct around 100 bce.

They eat  cattle  bear and  small  herbivores .

Their habitat was  Europe  Asia  North America and  Ancient Greece .
The animal lost it’s habitat from hunting.

We think there's a lot of myths about them but it is a shame  they  died.
Ollie Sam


The dizzy dodo

The dodo is an extinct bird that is part of the pigeon family.

It had a Brown,grey head,pink feet white body black,yellow,green curved  beak.  The dodo stood 3 feet tall and weighed about 40 kg. They couldn't fly,but they  could  run.

They Ate berries,fruit and seeds from the tambalacocque tree. Interestingly enough the extinction of the dodo lead to the extinction of the tree as well because the tree relied on the digestive system of the dodo for germination.  

Came from Mauritius  close to the indian ocean.

extinction occurred because of humans in about 168.  Humans introduced cats,dogs and pigs into their habitat and they killed the young and ate the dodos eggs.

We wish they were alive now because they look quite cool.

Irish Elk

The intriguing Irish elk

The Irish elk is an extinct mammal that is part of the red deer family .

Their coat was a wood brown and it’s antlies were approximately 3.6 meters  long. They  weighed about 540 -600 kilograms it is 2.10 meters tall.

The Irish elk got introduced from Ireland to Northern Asia then to Africa and to china .
They usually lived in nutrient rich shrubby grass and open woodlands or among rivers and streams .

The lrish elk is herberivous; in winter they eat bark and twigs off trees.
In summer they eat grass and herbs and rip leaves off trees or they eat them off the ground under the tree as well.

It is believed that they died out around 2,000 years after the ice age, they know this because they analysed some of its bones.  However  most of them died in the ice age because the plants died and they couldn't get any food and water.

We think it is sad they all died out because we would have liked to have shot one for its impressive antlers however we wouldn't over hunt them and kill them all.

Dier Wolf

                The  dastardly dier wolf

   The dier wolf is an extinct wolf that is part of the canid family.

It has a thick shaggy coat grey on black and cream underneath.Smaller brain than gray wolf.
They weigh 68kg . About the same size as Yukon wolf.5 feat long .thay are not good at runing but have Long legs and are very swift.

They are carnivorous crèches & as a big serprise mostly all of their pray are herbivores .
In groups of 30 or more it must have bean a menacing kill. They were extremely fearsome.

The Giant Moa

The giant Moa

The giant Moa was an animal from New Zealand that became extinct around the eighteen and the nineteen centuries. They can be also be called Dinornis.

They have a brown coat with white and brown feathers and they have very sharp claws. The male adult’s height is about 5-6metres and the females are about 4.6 metres. Babies were about 1.8 metres tall.  Their ears were holes in the side of their head just like dinosaurs.  They had a short sharp beak for eating plants.

They lived In New Zealand deep in forests. They nested in caves and near trees all around New Zealand.

Herbivore which  means they ate plants, leaves, grass
toitoi and seeds.

The Cave men killed them also the Volcano killed them.

Means extinct my opinion is yes.

Friday, 15 July 2016

Sicilian Dwarf Elephant

The Sicilian Dwarf Elephant

The Sicilian Dwarf Elephant is an extinct elephant that is part of the proboscidea family.

They were grey with a little bit of brown on them.  Their skin was rough and their size was around 1.5 to 2.3 metres.  They looked similar to other elephants however they were smaller.  Their tail was the same colour as their body.  They had brown over the outside of their ears and the inside was pink.

Remains have been found in Sicily, Italy and the Mediterranean Islands.

They were well known as herbivores because they ate leaves

The Sicilian Dwarf Elephant became extinct around 10,000 years ago.  It is suspected it was because of loss of habitat and over hunting.

We love the Sicilian Dwarf Elephants so we think they should be alive.

By Charlotte and Ruby


Planting the sewerage mound

Working together

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