
We are based at Ladbrooks School.
Our school is a full primary in a rural area just outside Christchurch.
We are an enthusiastic learning community of Year 3-5 children and two teachers, Ali and Jo.
We love to learn and enjoy having fun.
Thanks for following us on our learning adventures...

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Wednesday, 24 August 2016

I love my dad because he's gonna take me to the hot pools in hammer.


I love you so much. I love you so much daddy you're the best person in the world you're very nice I love you. I am excited for when you take me to hanmer. Your lovely dad have a great birthday when it's your birthday I love you so much and one of my friends are Jackson I like you and love you dad another one of my friends are poppy. Do you think it's okay if I gave her the box that I am making for Nan. I love you Nanna Nan grandad mum and you dad.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Who knows something new by Janna

What would you like to know about giraffes and dinosaurs?

They are not related.

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

I have kittens. Called  Zoro and Patch,  they are  NAUGHTY. But they sleep a lot and they like climbing. They are black and white.


George A

I have a paper dart it would do stuff wot I like one of the stuff is Gliding over the pepool and around 
Me saffaly.

I have a paper dart, it would do things that I like. One of the things is gliding over the people and around me safely.

the town

the elft sor the tan, the ttan  look               bithe.                            wnthe

The elephant saw the town, the town looked busy.


the nfeiss is steling staf from the house because he drsit have ene toisn.

The night thief is stealing stuff from the house because he doesn't have any toys.


the nfeiss is steling staf from the house because he drsit have ene toisn.

The night thief is stealing stuff from the house because he doesn't have any toys.
the letoo tede is pek and the night  thef sol the tede.

The little teddy is pink and the bight thief stole the teddy.

the thief


I am going to cross the road and I saw the thief and he stole my things                
I love my Quin

in the night

in  the     daarc    theaei     was    a    car    and     a    chrac   a  maws   was  snecing   into   car.       a  gan    cam   out     and    shot   themows.

In the dark there was a car and a truck. A mouse was sneeking into a car. A gun came out and shot the mouse.

the night thieves

In the dark the night thieves drove across the road soon a red car came by.
in the weekends  will go ise skating with my Dad   we will have fun at the skate ramp.

Monday, 8 August 2016


On Saturday  I Got some calves they are so cute they are so small and every morning and afternoon I go out side  and play with them. I love them. The colours of them are brown and white and the  nather one is Black and white . There names are capcake and ice cream  they are so funny . I  want  to     keep them for ever. I will tall my dad that  can I keep them

the mouse is up in the tree

The sdfunmiafdpvcxxzasrtumasuzztreeeyghf
the mouse is up in the tree


jkoiu keler in and ring    and playaqc
At whippersnappers I like to colour in and write and play.

the batman

   the bat ma  made thehlsm 
the batman made the house

The computer

 at maow qrd i mad a kiot and ihav a qiha wih i brted hat i tit it woks

At mangapare I made a computer and it has a picture which makes it look like it works.


soopa man was on the foan there was an amrejinsee.  there was a badee   she was sdiling the trezha.

Superman was on the phone there was an emergency, there was a baddie she was stealing the treasure.

Sunday, 7 August 2016

a bady was cooling banman to pot him in jail bcos he dit like him.

A baddie was calling batman to put him in jail because he didn`t like him..
batmn  is relax en he is haven a cofy wen the fonraing raing .

Batman is relaxing and he is having a coffee. Then the phone rang.
Today at school me and keryn made a paper plane it can do heaps of stunts.
I went to Lucas's  party.  i did sumo wrestling . Jasper pushed me over so he could have a second go. I screamed and cried when I hit the ground . 
I got a mokcitrol halycopter .i krash alot 2 times      on the fier

Monday, 1 August 2016

Russel's treasure

   Rusll fand ze zhreezha   in the tree. 

Russel found the treasure in the tree.     


 in the school holadays at hanmna I went to the  forest it was dark

My snowman

  l man a sonmams  she is flufy.

I made a snowman, she is fluffy.


Lily and her snowman.

White, white,white snowman love,love. Over  time Cameron was cet in the frezer whill mille was at werk 

The snowman

The snomn went   in      the frgb. lile remebb that she poot  him tem.

The snowman went in the fridge. Lily remembered that she put him there.
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jack   alex   
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