
We are based at Ladbrooks School.
Our school is a full primary in a rural area just outside Christchurch.
We are an enthusiastic learning community of Year 3-5 children and two teachers, Ali and Jo.
We love to learn and enjoy having fun.
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Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Finn, Tom, Louis, Eve, Brooke

Frankincense Recount

On Tuesday Ali brought in original frankincense. Frankincense is very valuable tree sap from Oman.  To get it out, they use a very sharp stick and a metal core drill.

I like frankincense.

By Finn

 On Tuesday Ali brought in some frankincense to show the class. It comes from Oman and is very valuable. It also smells beautiful. You have to use a special stick to get the sap out of the tree and also is used for healing.

By Eve

On Tuesday Ali brought some Frankincense to show us.

Frankincense is from Oman. It can be burnt with a candel. Frankincense comes from a frankincense tree and gets sucked out with a special tool and dries out in the sun. It is 5000 years old. Frankincense grows near the equator.

By Tom

On Tuesday Ail brought in some frankincense from Oman. The class got to smell some. The frankincense came from the sap of a special kind of tree. Frankincense can also be burnt.

I feel amazed. I also wonder how old it is.

By Brooke       

On Tuesday 27th May we learn about Frankincense. Frankincense is from Oman. Oman is a very very hot place because its near the equator. It is usually ginger and white. People use it 1000 to 2000 years ago. It smells. It’s used for a fire to make it smell. They get it off a tree. You get it with a metal tool from the sap of the tree and dry it out in the sun. It is used for special things.
I wonder if the water is hot in Oman. Is it a beautiful country?

By Louis

At school on Tuesday the 27 of May Ali brought in some frankincense.

Ali’s friend Lucy went to Oman and brought Ali a gift of frankincense. Frankincense can be burnt and is dried sap from the frankincense trees. Frankincense is at least 2000 years old and is easy to make. You just find a frankincense tree find the sap from it and dry the sap in the sun.

Frankincense has amazing smell and everything.

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