
We are based at Ladbrooks School.
Our school is a full primary in a rural area just outside Christchurch.
We are an enthusiastic learning community of Year 3-5 children and two teachers, Ali and Jo.
We love to learn and enjoy having fun.
Thanks for following us on our learning adventures...

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Tuesday, 30 June 2015


Planets are a large raowd  obgit in spass that move arowd a str.
Planets are a large round object in space that move around a star.
There are nine planets in our solar system.

Saturn has a ring arownd it.  Earth is a living planet.  Planets can orbit arownd each other.

I lic planits. 


Going to the snow

I went to the mountais to see the  sno and to tubogin. then i went on the frozin lake. then i  went to darfeld  to pik up my sister from st john  camp.

I went to the mountains to see the snow and to toboggin. Then I went on the frozen lake. Then I went to Darfield to pick up my sister from St John camp. When I went toboggining I face planted. Then we had a snowball fight and we built a snowman, then I iceskated on the lake.


Dogs are a mammal and they can be pets.

Dogs kary their pupes in their mawth.  Sum dogs can open doors i have a littil pupy.
Dogs carry their puppies in their mouth. Some dogs can open doors, I have a little puppy. 

I feel happy about dogs and i love them. 

People came to visit.

I   had  people   cam   to  vthe. the cids  plad and the adolts tooked and then all the cheljn went home, but some adolts staed.

I had people come to visit. The kids played and the adults talked and then all the children went home, but some of the adults stayed.

Elephant in shower

Monday, 29 June 2015


An elephant is a mammal.
They have long trunks. 
They hold their babies gently
I like elephants because they are big.

Poor Darby

My rabit Dabie died I was sad.  I still have my rabit Bunbun. My rabbit Bunbun is sad becos  she lost hir friend.  He was atacced bi a litlie dog.


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A snake is a reptile because they are cold blooded.

A snake is very long but they don`t feel slimy. They look like a giant worm but they are a snake.
They taste the air with their tongue and until they can catch their food.

I feel good about snakes because they can find their food with their tongue.

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Alex visit to the Zoo

alex went to the zoo and she sghbhtc ghkjk
oihyku gthyjukilopgdwqawc hjkljgdswwwswdfghhghg    ytyrthvgffervghdwec hgtghhjjghtghghghgtffhjiuyttloplokobghedsnyrdhgfrfj fgthuydfhgtfhbyhjuuhuhjhuhygfrdf huhyujhjbjjjh yuhyfvgvhg fgvdfbhjvty   gfvfghbvhh   jkhghyjbnjhgtf       hjyghgvhvgth  hjyhj h h    hjhbnbnmmn  hjnhjkty v   htthghhcg  hggggghbghghgfggfcgvcvfghgthgjgbhtyyhghhhgbgbghgtbghgytgbhcv   cgvfhgfvcvfgfthghgc fcgfcgcchygxfhghjhfghfghgghjyhyhjjhhjjhujuujhg

Alex went to the zoo and she saw a black and white slithery snake.  She also saw a dinosaur and a big furry brown bear.

Going to the Snow

I   went  to the  snowe   in  the  weecend. mum and dad  went  to my sister woz geting  dadseted  .

I went to the snow in the weekend.  Mum and Dad went too.  My sister was getting baby sat.

Dads Birthday

Today it is my dads berfday.  and dad will have lot`s of fun.wen dad get`s back home. i wont him to kic a ball with me. it will be verey fun.

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Playing with my friends

Today I went on the bicycle track and we played horses with Tamera and Joe. joe fell over and then we played with Tessa. By ruby

the bike track

Today I went on the bike track it was fun but Joe fell over.Then I played horses


Today we practised and performed some plays in front of the class. Here are some photos of our fabulous actors and actresses. 

Wednesday, 24 June 2015


Today I played on reading eggs at reading time edeysons it was lots of fun. By Alex

Swinging on the swings

Today I played on the swings at school.It was great Ruby


The party

Conrad, Jaden and me played musical chairs then we ate hulk party food. 

The moon

the  moon orbits  the sun    there  is   a crater on the  moon that can fit two New Zealands on it.


hipos are the most dadrist (dangerous) animal in the werld they cood eat a persin in one mowfol  hipos  have vere thik skin they have sharp teeth when the babys  have ben born they go on teir  mothers bake the bull hipos fit the babys are born in the werta.


The builders had the lazer, Jay was digging so the bulldozer could get the dirt.

the moon.

A Moon is a gloing then it dosint glo its glos cos of the sun is behind it and the moon obits the Earth and not the sun. it looks like  a moon with black holes  on it cratis hit it. neil Armstrong was the fist man on the  moon .


dogs are an  incredble anmile becuase thay kepe robis out ove yore hose so nufing wode get stolin. dogs eat meat.                                     

Tuesday, 23 June 2015


In maths today the imaginary numbers and the pi eaters were using tidy numbers to solve multiplication problems.
In reading Ali's groups are practicing for some plays they will perform in front of the class on Friday.  They are using their fluent voices with, appropriate volume, annunciation, holding their book down and remembering to keep their face to the audience.  The curious commas finished their moon movie for assembly, the fuzzy wuzzy fullstops finished learning about erosion and the ninjas created a weather vane. 
We talked about the mid winter swim ( chilly dip) which is happening on the last day of term, can't wait.
A very busy day.

Mum and Dad story

Iam going to bild a house for am mum and dab t lde 300 metrs lond and ti be for metrs hi andinthe cuntrysidde and it wll have 65 wdosb  and5 kitchnds and 100 dtnrm.

I am going to build a house for my mum and dad it will be 300 metres long and it will be four metres high and in the countryside. And it will have 65 windows and 5 kitchens and 100 bathrooms.

Silly piggy

i  an  lrning   abawt  volkanos it woz  hard  and we wotchd a moove and it woz abawt thre pigys one woz sily becos it bilt its house bi a volkanos.

I am learning about volcanos it was hard and we watched a movie and it was about three piggies, one was silly because it built its house by a volcano.

Monday, 22 June 2015


Today we made an anemometer and it measures the wind speed.It spins around.


Today after school we made anemometer we used cup cake holders and put them on ice cream lids
And it spins we have wind. By Paige 

seahorse facts

baby seahorses (fry) eat 3000 pieces of food a day. they sak up  their food up like a vacum cleaner with their snout.


kx kkxckckccncncncjjccjcjcjcjxnjxx nxnxxkdxj 
The lion the is eating a giraffe.

dkxjkdxdxdnccnddfj cjdidxduddiddeidd     dkiddd 
He killed it with his claws on its tummy.

.oddiediiii nx nxnxxxxnnnxmszmzMmxxnxnxnm He is eating it with his cubs.  

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Visiting Granny and Grandad

We went to see my Grany and Grandad in nj plmv. they gav me lts ov kdls.

We went to see my Granny and Grandad in New Plymouth.  They gave me lots of cuddles.

Seahorse facts

Seahorse facts
seahores can look 2 ways and they eat shrimps. they also sake ther food up.seahorse have salle boons.
seahorse smim up. thay bref fow ther gills.


Going to the Show

I went to a show the wizird of Oz. It woz scere 

when I saw the witch. I luved it.

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Maths building

Knight fight




Giraffes h ave      long   necks       there       colours    are       yollw     and     bown. they   have    pointy  ears on their heads.

The Big Rock

yesterday my famly went to bg rock.  we saw lots of vlcan rocs.


Today is winter and it snowed in the weekend. I was so cold, so I stayed inside.

snow day

I wet to the snow yisday  at  mount cook it  woz fun.  I slid down into the river. it woz freezing. 


I went to a shop. And I   got a plane book. To play with. I made a lot of planes. They are made out of paper. I got the book on Friday night. The planes can fly high. They are fun to make.

Snow Trip

Yesterday my family went to the snow. I brort  my red  sled i nele  crashed into dad . ounc we had dun some sleding we had some hot cholit  with marosmlos .Then we made a snowman and igloo.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Bear snare

Bear snear

Learning about the moon

The moon goes around the Earth once a month. The moon has holes called craters. They are made by comets that have landed on the moon. Matilda

The phases of moon

Today we learned about the phases of the moon.  In reading we read a book about Patches and Star.  In maths we are solving problems using a number line, finding tenths, it was easy.
By George Henry

Puppy on a sneer.

Shrek has just been caught in a snear

oh no

the  jigatignk litne got all the bad gis.

The gigantic lightning got all the bad guys.

Naughty Lions

the li   in     and          the             sak                 is      in      mi           hisi                       ing t mi fod. They pet  my    met         and         my             sois`i

The lion and the snake are in my house eating my food. They pinched my meat and my sausages.

Tuesday, 16 June 2015


Makeing cookes and also Iceing them and eating at the end of the day and the pebbles on top of the cookes ment the matariki Stars by Tamera

Making cookies

Today we made some star cookies we ate them.  They had icing and silver balls to represent the Matariki stars.  We also saw a play and sung a Matariki song.  I made a feather to go on our Matariki quilt.  I had a great day.

By Caitlin



Monday, 15 June 2015


Today we learnt about erosion. Water makes erosion 


Gravity pulls us down to the ground . 


Cows and farmer.

I went to a  fam i  so a cow and i  sow a fama i set iu the famas shet is int 

I went to a farm. I saw a cow and I saw a farmer. I said the farmers shed isn't there. The cows could go into the farmers house.

By Cameron.
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i went to the b and we walkd to 

I went to school and found some bushes and my friend went in them too. 

By Pheobeiiiiiiiiii


Sunday, 14 June 2015

Inquiry with Keryn

Today we leant about the weather.We discusted where all the cards went it was hard.We were having an argument about where the cows would go and where cows would match in the hexagon activity.  
By Lizzie

Weather with keryen

Today we did weather with Keryn we had a discussion wether cows relate to clouds and weather.  Then we said that cows do relate to the weather because some cows are white and so are clouds.  Cow also relate to weather because they live outside so they are in the weather.
By Paige








I woosh the snow came today. I wood bild a snowman. I will roll a big big hyooj snowball for his bode.   

Jack's Birthday

I went to wlowbank for my brthers bthday.

The big walk

I am walking up the hill on fiday. Hop I came back then  i wob bac to the crr.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015


Today at the end of the day we played t-ball we played with Tracy the ather team won but it was still fun lots of people ran with the ball but they weren't ment to.

                                                        By Paige 

weekly thingking key

Today at maths time the semi colen ninjars had to do a math sheet it was fun but hard it had lots of questinos to arnser.

Quilt Challenge III


Sport with Katrina week 7